Artemisia Absinthium Info

Artemisia Absinthium is the botanical and Latin name for the plant Common Wormwood. The name “Artemisia” originates from the Greek Goddess Artemis, child of Zeus and Apollo’s twin sibling. Artemis was the goddess of forests and hills, of the hunt and also a guardian of children. Artemis was later linked to the moon. It is considered that the Latin “Absinthium” derives from the Ancient Greek for “unenjoyable” or “without sweetness”, dealing with wormwood’s bitter taste.

The herb, oil and seeds often known as Wormwood come from the Common Wormwood plant, a perennial herb which regularly grows in rocky areas and also on absinthe book arid ground in Asia, North Africa and the Mediterranean. It has been discovered growing in areas of North America after scattering from people’s gardens. Other titles for common wormwood, or Artemisia Absinthium, are armoise, green ginger and also grande wormwood.

Wormwood plants are pretty, with regards to their silver gray leaves and small yellow flowers. Wormwood oil is created in tiny glands on the leaves. The Artemisia selection of plants can also include tarragon, sagebrush, sweet wormwood, Levant wormwood, silver king artemisia, Roman wormwood and southernwood. The Artemisia plants are members of the Aster group of plants.

Wormwood has been utilized as a herbal medicine for thousands of years and its medical uses involve:-
– Easing labor pains in females.
– Counteracting poisoning from toadstools and hemlock.
– As an antiseptic.
– To help relieve digestive problems also to promote digestion. Wormwood could be useful in treating people who do not have sufficient gastric acid.
– As a cardiac stimulant in pharmaceuticals.
– Decreasing fevers.
– As an anthelmintic to get rid of intestinal worms.
– Being a tonic.

There is certainly research claiming that wormwood may be good at treating Alzheimer’s disease and Crohn’s disease.

Outcomes of Artemisia Absinthium

Wormwood is a key ingredient in the liquor Absinthe, the Green Fairy, which was banned in lots of countries in the early 1900s. Absinthe is termed after this herb which also provides the drink its feature bitter taste,

Absinthe was banned due to its alleged psychedelic effects. It was thought to cause hallucinations also to drive people nuts. Absinthe was connected to the Bohemian culture of Parisian Montmartre with its loose morals, courtesans and artists and writers.

Wormwood contains the chemical thujone which is said to be similar to THC in the drug cannabis. There has been an Absinthe revival ever since the 1990s when studies showed that Absinthe actually only covered very small quantities of thujone and that it could be impossible to drink sufficient Absinthe, for the thujone to get harmful, because Absinthe is unquestionably a powerful spirit – you’d be comatosed first!

Drinking Absinthe is simply safe as drinking any strong spirit however it needs to be consumed moderately since it is about twice as strong as whisky and vodka.

Absinthe just isn’t real Absinthe devoid of Artemisia Absinthium. Many producers make “fake” Absinthes utilizing other herbs and flavorings but these are not the genuine Green Fairy. If you want the real thing you should check that they contain thujone or Common Wormwood or use essences, like those from, to make your individual Absinthe made up of Artemisia Absinthium.