Dimple whisky, the oldest throughout scotch whiskies

Dimple whisky or pinch as it is known in the USA is the oldest scotch whisky coming from the Haig distilling dynasty. Recently been around for over 300 years, it is now part of the history. Records available show that in 1855 Robert Haig seemed to be called before the Kirk Session for having working his still on the www.whiskyyeast.com Sabbath. Before that Robert Haig had in 1627 started a farm at Throsk Stirlingshire. Thus the year 1627 is considered as the year the moment Haig got into distilling. Haig’s went to Newbiggin and Orchard and continued to be there till the end of the eighteenth century, All of this when he persisted to distil.

Robert Haig’s great-great grandson, John Haig, married Margaret Stein in the year 1751. The Stein’s had founded distilleries at Kilbagie and Kennetpans in Clackmanshire. Just about all the five sons of James Haig got into the business and mastered distilling and of the five, four went on to establish their own distilleries in various parts of Scotland, England, and Ireland.

The Haig’s passed on the art of distilling fine whisky through the generations and the majority of the descendents of Robert Haig’s actually owned and operated distilleries. John Haig launched a distillery in Edinburgh in 1824 at Cameronbridge and his son John seemed to be the first to apply a new solution of blending, this in the year 1870 and by the end of the 1800s they had mastered the fine art of creating whisky.

Nowadays, Pinch or dimple Whisky is seen in the homes of the wealthy and in the priciest of bars and restaurants through out the world. People that have fantastic taste and value fine whisky prefer the rare quality of dimple whisky. Pinch maintains the high quality constantly and in the year 1987 it won the gold medal in the Deluxe blended category at the International Wine and Spirit competition.

It is very easy to distinguish pinch or dimple whisky. Dimple whisky comes in a triangular bottle with a wire net wrapped available it. This attractive container offers been available for centuries and the wire mesh is applied by hand. The wire mesh was initially present to prevent the cork out of coming off during rough weather at sea.

As important as the bottle is the pinch decanter. Many a homes use it as a decorative item lengthy subsequently after the whisky has been consumed. It is perfectly logical that the uniquely shaped pinch bottle was initially the first bottle to be copyrighted in the USA in 1958.

All of in All of dimple whisky is loved by whisky lovers all over the world and it is also regarded as an excellent reward and to give it to someone you love, appreciate, and respect. There is no top bar in Europe or USA or for that matter on earth that does not have dimple Scotch whisky on the menu. This is an honor to Robert Haig and his heirs who launched it all.